Monday, December 1, 2008

At a Loss For Words...

I know, strange for me....

I belong to an incredible support group for TTC/Pregnant friends.
I've built strong relationships with these ladies and I love them ALL so much...
they provide so much support and encouragement...
and I couldn't be happier for them.

But there's a problem...

Out of 20+ members, there are only about 5 "stragglers" or should I say strugglers who are still TRYING TO CONCEIVE... and I'm one of them.

I'm not saying that I feel "out of the loop", it's just that I want to feel more "IN the loop" and the only way for that to happen is to GET KNOCKED UP!

I've come to the realization that I'm a minority, and it HURTS. It doesn't matter where I go, there are beautiful baby-filled bellies everywhere.

I want one too, DAMN IT!

You know, people say "just have fun, relax, and it'll happen", but my "strugglers" know that it's not that easy!

Babies are made from their parents LOVE...
and effort,
and pain,
and tears!

*Please Lord, ease my mind. Amen*


Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

the biggest thing i hated people to tell me was "it'll happen". it's not that easy. you can't will it to happen. and sometimes it just doesnt. i totally know what you mean. ((HUGS)) we love you and we're routing you on until you DO get that bfp

Jayne said...

I find myself going out of my way to avoid looking at pregnant people when I'm out. Or if someone has a baby, especially a newborn - its just so hard. My sister's SIL is pg again, she has 3 little girls and she cried everytime she found out they were girls - she only wants a boy. Well, shes pg again and it pisses me off. I probably won't even go to my nephew's birthday party in January because she'll be there and I know I won't handle it well.
And as far as message boards, I'm glad that there is the new board and I don't have to read about pg stuff. Or look at belly pics that I really just can't handle. But I'm very thankful that us stragglers have a place to come together. :o)

Aimée said...

I had a friend tell me last month that it would happen when I stopped trying! lmao really?

Do you earn your degree when you stop going to school?

Do you finish a marathon when you stop running?

Do you build a house when you stop buying lumber and brick?

People don't mean to sound stupid, but they just don't know what to say.

Jackie said...

Ditto on Aimee, Becky, and Jayne's comments. It is soooo very hard! I used to say we were taking a "break" when in reality I knew I wasn't capable of that. Now (in our current situation) I have never been so at peace with NOT having another baby... I never thought I'd be able to say that. One thing I do know is it WILL happen for you and I will pray until you see 2 lines.

Mom 2 D and T said...

Char- I pray for you every day!