Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I could just cry....

tears of happiness and relief!

These past 9 weeks have been an emotional roller-coaster wreck!
I'm not sure if it was the supplemented progesterone or what, but I have been hormonally unstable, aka SUPER BITCH!
Constantly yelling at my husband and kids, no patience whatsoever, even wondering why I wanted so badly to bring another child into this world when I couldn't even enjoy the ones I already have!

But this past week has been a breakthrough! I've found some patience, I can actually talk to people at a normal volume and without a pissy tone of voice. I'm again enjoying everything that made me happy before!
This revelation couldn't have come at a better time, I seriously thought that I needed anti-anxiety medication.

And although I seem to be MORE tired over the past week, I've actually found the energy and motivation to start cleaning my house from top to bottom. Yesterday was the bathroom, today has been in, on, under, and around my couch, as well as scrubbing some of my floors on hands and knees (I know, my ass in the air is not the picture you wanted in your head).

Thank GOD for hormonal balance!


Aimée said...

How do you make that yoga noise?


Confessions of a Wandering Soul said...

Glad to see you back on your feet :).